* U.S. Veteran Owned Gym *
* U.S. Veteran Owned Gym *
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Should you purchase a monthly membership, your membership will begin on March 24th.
The interval-based format of this class allows for athletes of all skill levels to train side by side in the same program. includes elements of strength and power, muscular endurance, aerobic and lactic threshold, skills, and agility. As such, it aims to create a well-rounded, balanced fitness regime. In essence, the HYROX365 FOUNDATIONAL Group Class Training ensures every participant gains a comprehensive workout regimen that addresses every aspect of physical health and fitness, covering the basics and beyond.
The HYROX365 POWER Group Class Training is a comprehensive and complete workout that focuses specifically on developing strength in all forms possible. It's centered more on traditional strength training rather than skills and aerobic fitness. The program includes a variety of workout formats such as AMRAPS (As Many Reps As Possible), Strength intervals, TOTMS (Top of the Minute), Partner Workouts, 'I Go You Go' sessions, and volume training. HYROX365 POWERGroup Class Training is a program that caters to every aspect of strength.
Focus is on developing endurance in a variety of manners, ranging from aerobic capacity to lactate threshold to muscular endurance and stamina to speed. Athletes will become faster runners, increase their work rate, and improve their ability on machines. It includes a greater number of repetitions and increased distances on specific machines, challenging your muscles in unique ways. This can lead to improved muscular strength, enhanced cardiovascular resilience, and overall increased performance in a range of physical activities. The program also integrates Functional Threshold Power (FTP) training, aerobic endurance exercises, and compromised running along with speed drills.
M-F - 530, 630, 730, & 930AM
Sat - 7, 8, & 9AM
Every Other Sun - 10AM
Monday - HYROX Foundational
Tuesday - HYROX Power
Wednesday - HYROX Engine Builder
Thursday - HYROX Foundational
Friday - HYROX Power
Saturday - HYROX Engine Builder
Every other Sunday - HYROX Simulation
Payment taken at time of class
Unlimited Classes for one month from time of purchase. (Rebills Monthly. Tax added at Checkout)